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Read This. Best Improv Books.

Brianne Halverson

Reading books about improv may sound counterintuitive (improv is ethereal after all) but I know I'm not alone in loving them. Theory, structure, scene work and chemistry doesn't just happen--it's created and nurtured. Here are my current favorite improv books:

So much of our time is spent on good scene work and not enough time on understanding the ever changing needs of an ensemble. This book is a wonderful asset for anyone who wants to start their own improv troupe or coach one.

I've been a big admirer of Hines skills as a teacher and performer and visited his improv blog often. This is a comprehensive look at almost all aspects of modern improv.

A great place to help us understand the structure of long form and the Harold. A highly recommend read for newer improvisors. interested in long form.

My personal favorite book on scene work. Not only does it have the nuts and bolts but you can feel all of Napier's experience pouring off the page. This is someone who has spent thousands of hours on stage and it shows.

A new classic. Getting into the minds of TJ and Dave is a joy and it's inspires as it guides.

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