Are you an actor or comedian who identifies as queer? And would you like to learn or refine your improv skills? If so, we'd love to collaborate with you on a community show! Here are the details...

Sunday, June 2, 6pm - 8pm at Front Porch Improv Theater
Sunday, June 9, 6pm - 8pm at Front Porch Improv Theater
Sunday, June 16, 6pm - 8pm at Front Porch Improv Theater
PERFORMANCE DATE: Friday, June 21 at 10pm
DIRECTORS: Jordan Harner and Chelsea Jensen
SHOW GOAL: The goal of the show is to build community, learn new skills, and make new friends. This is an unpaid performance opportunity.
COMMITMENT: You'll need to attend all three rehearsals and be available to perform in the showcase on June 21.
COST & SIGN UP: $20 to participate to pay the director and for poster printing costs. Scholarships available by request (contact: We are accepting 16 performers. SIGN UP HERE! Once you sign up you'll get more information from the directors.
ALPHABET MAFIA: An LGBTQIA+ Comedy Show is a jubilant showcase of queer comedy crafted and presented by members of our vibrant LGBTQIA+ community.